No Mediocrity Here

March 24, 2020 – Day of the Locust (1975) The Criterion Channel

I have had enough of mediocre movies!  While Netflix and Prime have some very good TV shows and movies, too often I find myself watching something mediocre just because it is there. In an effort to avoid mediocrity, I signed up for the two-week free trial of the Criterion Chanel, home to foreign, cult and classic movies. Today, I watched this 1972 big-budget spectacular based on the Nathaniel West novel that I read way back in High School.  It follows several characters through a soul-sucking Hollywood of the 1930s. It has an amazing cast:  Donald Sutherland, Karen Black, Burges Meredith, among others.  It is panoramic in scope and beautifully shot. How fun to see what my home city looked like back in the day. This was a very satisfying movie experience – no mediocrity here. I feel like I already got my money worth from free trial of The Criterion Channel.


March 22, 2020 – Kodachrome (2017) Netflix

I fear my Shelter-In-Place Streaming Film Festival is going astray. Here again the desire for comforting, escapist entertainment led us to watch another mediocre film. It sounded good on paper. A father (Ed Harris), his nurse (Elizabeth Olson) and his estranged son (Jason Sudekis) set out on a cross-country journey to the last place in the country that develops Kodachrome film days before it is going to close. The cast is good, and the script is by Jonathan Tropper, writer of several novels I have loved and showrunner of the great Cinemax show Banshee. Yet somehow it all went wrong. I didn’t care a bit about any of the characters, and the long road trip leads nowhere, at least nowhere I didn’t predict way in advance. Henry wisely skipped this one to watch Christopher Nolen’s Inception online with friends. You should skip this movie too. Maybe listen to the Paul Simon song instead. 


March 21, 2020 – Spenser Confidential (2020) Netflix

The first three-movie day of our festival, at least for me — Wendey was not with me for this film. This amiable thriller/action movie is not a world cinema classic, but it is good escapist entertainment. It doesn’t bear much resemblance to the Robert Parker books it is allegedly based on. Mark Wahlberg is likable as the Boston ex-cop who can’t help himself from doing the right thing, even when it is not in his self-interest. Director Peter Berg keeps things moving along briskly. This was an entertaining way to spend a couple of hours of my quarantine

Acquired taste

March 21, 2020 – They Came Together (2014) HBO

We wanted to watch a comedy to escape from our painful new reality. It turns out there aren’t many comedies that we haven’t seen that are worth seeing. We settled on this very silly take-off on romantic comedies, directed by David Wain and featuring Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and a ton of great actors. Wain’s very silly sense of humor is an acquired taste. I liked this movie better than Wendey, but neither of us loved it. It is hard to believe The Came Together and Force Majeure — two movies of such varying intention and quality — came out the same year (the first time these two movies have ever been mentioned in the same sentence). 

No difficult conversations here

March 21, 2020 – Force Majeure (2014) Kanoply

I watched this one on my own, and it is just as well. The movie — which focuses on the fallout in a marriage because of a moment of cowardice by the husband — could have led to difficult conversations in our marriage. Force Majeure is often listed as one of the best movies of the 2010s, and I agree with that assessment. It is one of the brightest spots of this streaming film festival so far.  

Little what?

March 20, 2020 – Little Women (2019) Screener

Wendey and I sheepishly admitted to each other that we confuse Little Women and Little House on the Praire. Perhaps it is because they are both old-timey books with the word “Little” in their name. This movie, directed by Greta Gerwig and based on the book by Laura Ingalls Wilder —  or was it Louisa May Alcott? — manages to be contemporary in style and attitude even though it is set in the 1860s. Henry liked the movie a lot, but I only made it halfway through before falling asleep — perhaps because I was tired or perhaps because it isn’t really my kind of movie. Warning: there is no Michael Landon in this one. 


March 17, 2020 – Oldboy (2003) Kanopy

I watched Oldboy on my own — too violent for Wendey — and I loved this film’s stylish combination of humor and violence in the Tarantino mold. The film by Park Chan-wook is a landmark of the new South Korean cinema. I don’t know what it says about me that I enjoyed this twisted revenge fantasy and recommend it highly.

Redemption in a degraded and decaying world

March 14, 2020 – Atlantic City (1980) Amazon Prime

I love this movie so much and so does Wendey (Henry sat this one out)!  It is the story of an aging small-time gangster (Burt Lancaster) and a struggling young casino worker (Susan Sarandon) trying to get by in a past-its-glory-years Atlantic City.  This movie on paper sounds pretty boring, if not downright creepy: there is a drug deal and an older man secretly watching a younger woman.  But the movie isn’t creepy at all, it is filled with tenderness toward its characters. It is well shot, well written and well acted. People finding redemption through hard choices in a degraded and decaying world — now why does that resonate at this moment? Watch for the cameo by a young Wallace Shawn (“inconceivable!”). 

Old chum

March 14, 2020 – Cabaret (1972) Amazon Prime

This famous Bob Fosse musical was not my pick. It is stylishly shot, and the musical numbers are well done, but I am in general not a fan of Broadway musicals and in particular not a fan of Liza Minelli, who I find overly broad and unappealing.  Wendey and Henry loved it though. Wendey has seen it a million times. And it gets bonus points because every time I saw Liza on screen, I thought of “Lucille Two” and her extreme vertigo from Arrested Development.  

An inauspicious start

March 13, 2020 – Landline (2017) Amazon Prime

Today is the first full day of lockdown. I am worried that being home all the time with nothing to do will drive me and my family crazy. In an effort to forestall anxiety, I am organizing the Shelter-In-Place Streaming Festival for me, Wendey and Henry. Leaving nothing to chance, I have given them about 100 choices for films we can watch and encouraged them to add their own choices.  Our film festival started on a low-key note. We watched this small indie film about two sisters — a teenager and a young adult — who discover that their father is having an affair. We enjoyed Landline fine while it was playing, but then it faded away like the wisp of a dream when we finished watching. May this plague fade away as quickly as the memory of this film did. I am already worrying about the success of this streaming festival. It seems that the more people involved in selecting the film, the worse the selected film turns out to be.